Group Visits

We welcome both Middle School and High School groups* to The Chubb Institute.

We can accommodate groups of up to 40 students.

Middle School student groups (7th and 8th grades): The CI Visit Office will arrange for a tour - approximately one hour in length.

High School/Transfer student groups: The CI Visit Office will arrange for a tour approximately ninety minutes in length, as well as a 30-minute Admission presentation.

We regret that, due to resource limitations we are not able to provide meals, class visits or overnight stays for visiting groups.

To request a group tour, please contact the Visit Office at 328.322.2584 ext. 6589. A notice of at least two weeks is greatly appreciated.  To ensure the quality and availability of resources for your group, we will only schedule one group per day.  Please feel free to check the calendar below before contacting the Visit Office to see if the date(s) you are hoping to be on campus is/are still available.

We look forward to having your group on campus!

*We can also accommodate some special, non-school, groups on campus - please call the Visit Office to see about the possibility of having your group visit!

CI Group Visit Calendar